A ride to create impact on the African continent

Challenge4ACause is a unique mountain biking expedition that is one of our primary fundraisers for our impact partners. With the breathtaking Damaraland desert in Namibia as the backdrop for this adventure, few are brave enough to meet this challenge and fewer still, those who are fortunate enough to experience it.

At first glance, Challenge4ACause might seem a little extreme – cycling approximately 400km over a week through some of the harshest and most barren areas in the world – but nothing worthwhile ever comes easy and all our past riders will tell you that this is one of the most rewarding experiences of their lives.

Challenge4ACause is an annual event which has far-reaching benefits. Together with our industry partners, we are able to provide vital support to a variety of causes that ensure that together we shape the future of our continent. We are filled with gratitude for their ongoing generosity and collaborative spirit that drives these initiatives toward our shared ambitions.

We invite you to be a part of this incredible cause and join us on an extraordinary journey. Come and be brave the immense and beguiling Damaraland, conquer your fears and in the process leave a lasting legacy in Africa.



When and where?

In 2024, the ride will take place from 16 June to 22 June. Our dedicated team will organise every part of your itinerary leaving you free to decide your arrival and departure dates from Windhoek. Namibia is a spectacular country, so should you wish to take in the dunes of Sossusvlei or the spectacular Etosha, our Rhino expert consultants will seamlessly plan your pre or post-tours to coincide with the 2024 ride dates.

We have limited space.  Max 22 pax.

C4AC 2022 journey map

Day 0

Sunday 16th June 2024
Walvis Bay → SRT Ugab Camp - (Transfer)

After landing in Walvis Bay, riders make a 300km journey north via road transfer to SRT Ugab Camp on the banks of the Ugab River. Tonight you’ll have the opportunity to meet your fellow riders while making best friends with your support team.

Challenge4ACause Cyclists

Day 1

Monday 17th June 2024
SRT Ugab → Overhanging Rocks - Approx 65km

Our first day starts with a 15km climb out of the gorge, instead of going right to Doros Crater or left to Cliff Camp as we have in previous years, we continue straight to Overhanging Rocks. The ever-changing landscapes make this a remarkable day, and the terrain makes for marvellous riding. Tonight's mobile camping is spectacular, as we camp at the base of a sheer red cliff-face, which we share with colonies of rosy-faced lovebirds. Sundowners in the Huab River is a fitting end to the first day.

Namibia under the stars

Day 2

Tuesday 18th June 2024
Overhanging Rocks → Wêreldsend - Approx 65km

Today’s ride is many of the riders’ favourite, as it takes us through some of the most breathtaking scenery of the trip via the main road over Dopsteek. Our route will be familiar to any past Challenge riders, but this time we get to enjoy it the other way around.  We start the day off with the daunting "Slangpos Hill" heading up from the Huab River and 30 km of off-road jeep track takes us to our home for the next two nights.

Riding through Namibia day 2

Day 3

Wednesday 19th June 2024
Wêreldsend round trip - Approx 70km

Today we do a Wêreldsend round trip following the trail of zebras and the elusive desert-adapted Black Rhino. We’ll spend the full day in the Palmwag concession tracking rhinos with the SRT guides.

SRT Ugab Camp

Day 4

Thursday 20th June 2024
Wêreldsend → Cliff Camp - Approx 65km

Today we traverse ever changing landscapes travelling south far into the Namib desert. This is another familiar route for past riders that we will take on in reverse, hopefully downwind. The first 40 to 50 km alternates between gradual and moderate uphills, interspersed with some great flat riding. The last 20km is downhill all the way into the Huab river, with just a little bit of sand as you enter Cliff Camp!

Sitting on a Namibian sand dune

Day 5

Friday 21st June 2024
Cliff Camp → Doro Nawas - Approx 60km

Another NEW challenge lies in store, this route has never been done before... It may be only 60km but don’t be fooled! Our final day takes us via Peters Pool and past Overhanging Rocks. From here, just a river and a short mountain pass separate us from our final destination, Dora Nawas, where we can look back on our unbelievable trip and marvel at our incredible achievements. We’ve conquered the ride!

Riding through namibia day 5

Day 6

Saturday 22nd June 2024
Doro Nawas → Walvis Bay (Transfer)

Riders are taken on the five hour drive back to Walvis Bay. Or those lucky few that opt for the hop will rise a little later and fly back to Walvis Bay. Those who have chosen to fly, can go on a morning game-drive at Doro Nawas, where they will search for the elusive desert-adapted rhino and elephant.

Oiling bicycle gears

The Causes

Wildlife ACT

Wildlife ACT work tirelessly to protect endangered species such as the painted dog and the black rhino.

Save the Rhino Trust Namibia

Save the Rhino Trust Namibia is dedicated to protecting the critically endangered desert-adapted black rhino and its habitat.

The Goodwork Foundation

GWF is an NGO that empowers rural communities through online learning and is looking to reach 100,000 learners by 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions

How fit must I be?

Ideally you should be relatively fit and have general mountain biking skills. You are in the saddle for as much as five to seven hours a day. To find the ride comfortable, we suggest that people have a relatively active lifestyle and are active at least three to four times a week, whether it is running, hiking, cycling etc.

Who is looking after us?

A highly professional team from Namibia (Cycletec). They own one of the top cycling shops in the country and have been in the industry as professional cyclists and mountain bikers for many years. A back-up team as well as a technician are on hand to look after the bikes during each day of the challenge. They also maintain the bikes at the end of each day.

What is included / not included in the price?

All accommodation during the trip is included (as well as tents and bedding). This extends to all meals, water, drinks, and snacks for each day of the challenge. Guests are expected to provide their own clothing and any extra bedding they might require. Alcohol is available, but limited in variety, so if there is anything in particular you fancy, you can either ask Dawid to ensure it is included, or bring it along in your own luggage.

What must I pack?

All details will be sent in email correspondence before the expedition

Do I rent a bike or bring my own?

You can do either. Bike hire is included in the cost. Guests can bring their own bikes but the additional costs for flying it to Namibia has to be managed on the rider’s own account, along with additional parts needed due to any damages that may occur during the cycle.

Can I do a pre or post tour?

You can certainly do a pre or post tour. Rhino Africa will put guests in contact with a consultant who will provide options to best suit each person’s particular itineraries and interests.

What wildlife am I likely to see?

Some of the areas we’re cycling through are incredibly remote and the animals are rather shy – but anything is possible. Participants may catch sight of desert elephants, lions and lots of general game such as gemsbok, zebra, springbok and other antelope. Hopefully a rhino will make an appearance, but with the vehicles and amount of noise the cyclists generate at times, the game can sometimes be scared off before we manage to see them.  We will arrange a few game-drives, which will hopefully improve our chances of seeing more animals.

What part of my fee goes to conservation and education?

The total cost for Challenge4ACause is US$5, 900 per person. US$2, 900 covers all of your costs, including your bike hire. The remaining US$3, 000 is transferred to our various beneficiaries.

Join C4AC 2024

If you would like us to reserve your space tentatively on our final ride, please fill in this form here.

Dawid will send you a save date. Please save your seat by 22nd february 2024.

Not up for the ride but still want to leave a legacy in Africa? You can still play your part in uplifting Africa’s wildlife and people. We would greatly appreciate any and all contributions.

Cost Per Person

R68 000

Includes: All Road Transfers in Namibia, 5 nights camping - including all meals and drinks, Bike mechanic, 1 night at Dora Nawas - including all meals and drinks

Excludes: International flights, Lodge Air Hops, Gratuities, Any additional Beverages